Since We Plow With Gasoline (added May 2015)
Since We Plow with Gasoline
by Orlo L. Dobson, in the "Farm Implement News" of April 27, 1916.
Horses now are getting lazy
and as fat as they can be
It is fun to sit and watch them
As they kick and snort with glee
Old mares acting up like yearlings
Such as sight is seldom seen
Life to them is worth living
Since we plow with gasoline
Tractors ready in the morning
It is there the whole day long
If you wish to plow by moonlight
Fill your tank and sail away
Need not worry over horseflesh
We can laugh at Dr Green
With his spaven cure and ointment
Since we plow with gasoline
Boys now take life rather easy
Not so many chores to do
Only half as many horses
To attend the whole year through
Not a shoulder gall to worry
Not so many nags to clean
They can sleep a little longer
Since we plow with gasoline
We can get the crops in early
Give them time to do their best
If we do our part in season
The good Lord will do the rest
Drouth can't catch the oats and barley
While the corn in shocks is seen
Ere the early frost o'ertakes it
Since we plow with gasoline
Though old sol may do his darndest
He can't make the tractor sweat
Horse flies stop to look it over
But they do not make it fret
Do not need to waste time resting
Cannot founder that machine
We can turn the soil right lively
Since we plow with gasoline |
Wish I had another eighty
I could handle it with ease
Raise more corn and wheat and barley
Also more of oats and peas
No excuse for idle acres
Every field should now smile green
Ample time to harvest
Since we plow with gasoline |
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